In my recent “Further Becoming” Workshop for Women, we applied the concept from Otto Scharmer’s work of Letting Go/ Letting Come.
U-theory teaches the criticality of the letting go/letting come of transformation. As women (and men) emerge from the pandemic, this has tremendous implications.
We’re sometimes forced to let things go.
We sometimes choose to let things go.
Making peace with what we’re letting go gives us freedom to ‘let come.’
The letting come sometimes starts with little glimpses we catch.
The subtle awareness of a new sense of ourselves.
Something we want to create or do, perhaps surprisingly.
As we enter the initial phase of emergence from the pandemic, this is a transformative time.
My coaching to women is to USE it.
Resist the urge to “go back to normal.”
‘Normal’ does not exist.
We are different as a result of this forced isolation. We have intolerance for things we used to let slide and immense gratitude for things we scarcely noticed before.
The world is different too.
It’s a good time to pay attention.
To serve our highest selves by naming what we’re letting go and let come what is calling us.
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