Book Coaching

for First-Time Authors

You have a book in you.

It’s been calling you for some time.

Only you can write it.

And now feels like the time.


I’m here to help you birth your book. Because if you’re a woman, your voice is needed in the world.

Following my five-year journey to publish a successful book, I vowed to help women authors NOT go through what I went through: a fragmented publishing system changing by the minute with scattered services that make it hard to go from book idea to flow to structure while writing alone in silence. I did manifest the book I was meant to write (with much gratitude). It was an Amazon #1 best-selling new release for eleven days across four categories including Personal Transformation, and continues its sales in eight countries while being represented in 2022 by a European literary agency for translation into Spanish and other languages. 

I created the Book Coaching process to give first-time authors what I desperately needed and could not find. 
My mission is to save you time, money, and overwhelm so you can get your book more quickly into the world.

The Book Coaching for First-Time Authors process is to help you:

  • Simplify the maze of publishing and related options
  • Birth the contents, flow, and structure of your book
  • Find your unique voice
  • Discover what the book is ‘wanting to be’ as you write it
  • Avoid pitfalls and dangerous shortcuts so you get a world-class outcome

We provide you and your book
highly individualized support in 2 ways.

1. Intimate coaching specific to your book and its message. We work together on a regular basis on the idea, hook, flow, and voice of your book. Every author is starting from a different place. We start right where you and your book (or book idea) are.

2. Consultation about publishing options and helpful steps along the way. Understanding the three ways to get published is immensely helpful and has huge implications for costs, marketing, and steps you will need to take. Other information and tools such as a book proposal (which you may or may not need) can be helpful toward finding your voice and the unique place your book will have on the shelf.

Book Coaching does not include:

  • Proofreading or editing your writing
  • Obtaining your ISBN number
  • Setting up distribution channels 
  • Marketing your book (though we talk about how to build your readership!)

My mission as a Book Coach

My passion is helping women live their best lives and bring their contributing gifts into the world. Especially in 2021 and beyond, we are poised to shift toward more feminine ways of thinking, being, and organizing to balance over-use of the masculine.  Writing your book is a powerful way to further goodness, truth, and beauty in the world in a way only you can AND bring visibility and abundance back to you, the author. It’s my privilege to help women birth their books and send rippling effects of intelligence, insight, and creativity into the waiting world.