I sit at my desk wondering how to convey my warmest, most authentic voice as I kick off a blog site. I must say I�ve tried to keep up with it before � as so many of us have! � and found so many things pulling me away from regularly writing here.

The author of The War of Art, Steven Pressfield, says there�s a word for this: Resistance.

He capitalizes the word every time he writes about the tricks it plays. I�ve become smarter because of his savvy, insightful wisdom about how it shows up. I plan to overcome the many costumes in which Resistance appears.

And so should you.

We all need to overcome inner and outer resistance — especially the forces that push against us as women when we’re poised to move forward in important ways. The reality is, what is coming forth about women over 50 � the focus of my work now � needs to be brought into the public domain.

It needs shouting from the rooftops, actually!

Just today, the Wall Street Journal posted a stunning article: The New Rules of Middle Age, Written by Women.

This topic is making headlines across the board in 2019 in mainstream news, in magazines, in politics, and across most major stages in society.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

I�m thrilled to be focusing my work exclusively now on supporting women and on the new narrative women over 50 are writing for ourselves. It�s such a time of promise.

After interviewing 100 women over age 50, I can say this for certain:

We are truly blasting the old narrative out of the water about retirement and worn concepts that belong to yesteryear and writing a whole new narrative!

This week, my book�Manifesta of Active Wisdom: A Call to Further Becoming from 100 Women Over 50, ships off to a publisher. I cannot wait to share with the world what I learned from the women whose voices and stories are in this book.

So, I invite you to check back regularly with this blog site where I’ll be:

  • Sharing snippets of what I�ve learned from 100 inspiring women.
  • Sharing breakthrough examples of ways we�ve charting whole new course for ourselves over 50.
  • Sharing the counsel we have for the women coming along behind us.

And I�ll be facing down what so many of us are familiar with as we begin something new: wondering if there�s a need for it (of course there is!) and wondering if we�re enough to deliver it (of course we are!). Resistance.

We are becoming smarter about not allowing it — or anything else — to block the paths of what I call our “continued becoming” over 50.

Please join me on this journey, and know that I�d like to hear about your journeys, too. After all, it’s part of what we do for each other as women: listening and cheering each other on.