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About the book
In this groundbreaking book, Sue Brightman beckons us into timely and promising news about women over 50: it’s not about aging, it’s about becoming more of who we really are and doing what we’re called to do. Based on 100 interviews with women age 50-70+, Brightman discovers emerging themes of burgeoning creativity, spiritual growth, and a zesty freedom to experiment with new roles, new businesses, and new priorities. Blasting out of the water the old narrative about disengagement and decline, this exciting and spiritually rich stage of life comes alive page by page with women’s stories, pithy quotes, and Brightman’s insightful narrative.
“Sue Brightman’s book should be on Oprah’s top picks for 2020. It is so full of deep wisdom that resonates at every level. Its interviews show women aging with grace and power, declaring and defining themselves on their own terms. Sue has done a brilliant job of harvesting the uniquely feminine themes that unfold within each decade. Women over 50 will see themselves in this book, and younger women will be inspired by it too.”
~ Gael McCool, author of Be Wise Now: A Guide to Conscious Living
“When you open this amazing book you will find the voices of women who offer beautiful pieces of their stories in a chorus of strength, courage, humor, diversity, and compassion. Sue Brightman is the master choir director who brought these voices together as a gift for this very moment!”
~ Elizabeth Fuller
~ Dawna Markova, Ph.D., author of Living a Loved Life: Awakening Wisdom Through Stories of Inspiration, Challenge and Possibility and I Will Not Die An Unlived Life: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion
“This book is a stunning achievement by a woman who has deeply listened to a diversity of women … It is not only a call, but a summons to all of us to live boldly into a new narrative that embraces all we are capable of becoming.”
~ Pam Noble, Author of Becoming Tree, Mystical Wanderings in Nature Through Essays, Poems, and Art

Welcome to my work and this site!
With 28 wonderful years as a Conscious Business consultant and coach to global organizations across dozens of industries, I’m thrilled to channel my corporate and personal coaching expertise into a deeper focus on women and women’s leadership.
2020 began an historic period for the world: the beginning of a century when women leaders will take co-equal partnership with men, bringing new and enlightened ways of working and living to humanity.
I’d been witnessing what was happening especially with women like myself passing the 50 year mark. My own journey included facing into a disorienting wilderness: intuiting things I was “done with” (even before I wanted to acknowledge them) but having no idea where I might channel my love of continued learning, my zest for life, and my considerable experience.
As it turns out, this kind of wilderness period is a rite-of-passage for women at every stage of life who are being called to something new. And it has a particular flavor for women over 50 facing the worn-out and unrecognizable narrative of going grey and going away. We know better as pioneers of the new narrative.
I sensed a renaissance of sorts with women my age. And I was right. When physical fertility is waning, creative fertility actually begins bursting.
To put meat on the bones of work completed by acclaimed cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson, who declared a whole new stage of life for humanity from 50-70 called Adulthood 2, I interviewed 100 women from different professions, religions, races, and upbringings. The aim was to discern the “new tracks” we’re laying down as we pioneer this new stage of leadership and life. Applying the same rigor and analysis I used when conducting corporate culture assessments, including for Pulitzer News, Maritz Travel, Genesys Healthcare, and numerous M&As, I identified 10 key themes that declare new ways we’re launching businesses, pursuing dreams, establishing deeper relationships, and retiring the word ‘retirement.’
Women in general are blasting through worn-out narratives and cultural barriers of all sorts to take our place at tables of leadership and systemic change.
And women over 50 are blasting out of the water the old narrative about disengagement and decline, replacing it with new and zesty ways of working, living, and enacting relationships that fulfill rather than drain.
I have the privilege of leading executive women’s groups, one-on-one retreats for women in worklife transitions, teaching university and online classes about the 10 Declarations I discovered ~ and recently launching book coaching where I help first-time women authors get their voices into the world.
Women are being called to lead as never before.
This gives me hope.
And I’m here to help make it happen.