Creating deeper relationships in 2020

Creating deeper relationships in 2020

As 2020 begins, you might be realizing you want some things to be different this year.  Including your relationships. If you find yourself feeling unseen or unsatisfied following usual social get-togethers or after time with a significant other in your life, be...

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Overcoming resistance: essential work for women!

Overcoming resistance: essential work for women!

I sit at my desk wondering how to convey my warmest, most authentic voice as I kick off a blog site. I must say I’ve tried to keep up with it before – as so many of us have – and found so many things pulling me away from regularly writing here.

The author of The War of Art, Steven Pressfield, says there’s a word for this: Resistance. He capitalizes the word every time he writes about the tricks it plays. I’ve become smarter because of his savvy, insightful wisdom about how it shows up.

I plan to overcome the many costumes in which Resistance shows up.The reality is, what is coming forth about women over 50 – the focus of my work now – needs to be brought into the public domain.

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